I love gaming across many genres but I'm quite selective within each.
Simulations - Rimworld is my favourite alongside PZ.
RPGs - Morrowind - old now but probably the greatest RPG. The writing was so deep. Skyrim didn't quite measure up in that respect. I enjoyed The Witcher. Was a bit of a rogue
Story games - currently loving Immortal by the creators of Her Story. I love clever writing and a bit of mystery/scaring myself sh*tless.
Strategy - I loved Northguard until the creators favoured selling DLC over fixing bugs. Was gutted when it became unplayable and lost all my conquest data. Loved the Civ series, played them to death. Addicted to Polytopia on my phone.
My husband has a switch so we enjoy some Mario Kart with friends and I had fun watching him play Zelda and Red Dead Redemption.
Survival / horror - The Long Dark was good. The Forest was spectacular - SO scary! Waiting for Forest 2 to become a bit more playable. Green Hell is great, super challenging. Raft is brilliant too, less jump scary and a bit too grindy but loved building a massive ship and figuring out the story. Enjoy a few zombie games with friends but I scream a lot! Project Zomboid, 7 Days to Die.
I've sunk many an hour into Minecraft and modded it to the max. Played a lot of that with friends in the Pandemic and I built them an escape room in the game that took them a good hour to solve! One of my greatest gaming accomplishments
I'm in my 30s so I've had time to explore all this over many years...I swear I have a balanced lifestyle away from the screen as well!

Always play more in the cold English winter months; much less or hardly at all in summer.